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No Spam . Once Monthly . Just News .


Burning Question ? Rhetorical Question ? Open-ended Question ? I'll answer your FAQ'ing questions :-)

Vital Statistics

How many glue-sticks do I go through in a week?
Mother of Grom

If one were to lay (end-to-end) the glue-sticks I consumed over a weekly period . . . . they would stretch to the Moon of Titan orbiting Saturn! Which is excellent news as this celestial object has an underground ocean so it must have an underground beach right? Like a wafer-thin 'Tower of Babel' - this tacky structure would not have gone unnoticed by the inimitable Norris McWhirter (God rest his soul)

Do I ever discard cardboard boxes?
Mother of Grom

Of course not. They just reside in one of the bedrooms (much to my husbands annoyance) and are excellent for hide and seek

Are there lots of hairclips and safety pins lying around my house?
Mother of Grom

Yes lots. A small fortunes worth of metal-recyling lives embedded in my carpets . . and I wouldn't change a thing


Where Can does one find your podcast?
Mother of Grom

Nowhere. At this moment in time I have no podcast. I hope to have one sometime soon. but there is a great deal of music and song coming out of this family which I often lend my voice to ;-)

Do I sell any of the things I make?
Mother of Grom

The truth of the matter is, my house is simply too small to keep everything I rustle up and I would rather see things going to a good home. If you want something and can collect or are happy to pay postage, just send me a message and I'm sure we can work something out. If I am selling anything you will find it listed in my Etsy Shop.

Do I surf?
Mother of Grom

I do. Yes, but mostly the waves serves me.