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Garden on a Roll: The Easiest Way to Design Your Garden | Product Review

Discover how Garden on a Roll transformed our garden with easy-to-follow instructions and beautiful, low-maintenance plants, perfect for beginners.

For over a decade, the Garden on a Roll team, led by the esteemed designer Antony Henn, has dedicated itself to helping first-time gardeners transform their outdoor spaces with ease and confidence.

So, having the opportunity to transform our empty garden space with their help for this review was truly thrilling for me.

Unpacking Garden on a Roll delivery box
Unpacking Garden on a Roll delivery box | Garden On A Roll | Mother Of Grom

Their concept is as simple as it is brilliant: you select your preferred garden style from eight delightful options, including Shady Garden, Sunny Garden, Wildlife, English Cottage, Evergreen Shady, Evergreen Sunny, Mediterranean, and Sensory. You then enter the measurements of the border or garden space you want to plant, specifying the length and width, and Garden on a Roll sends you everything you need to make creating a beautiful, thriving garden effortless and enjoyable.

Follow me on Instagram @MotherOfGrom to see the video reel of me planting and where I will be sharing weekly updates of my Garden On A Roll Border
Garden on a Roll delivery box contents
Garden on a Roll delivery box contents | Garden On A Roll | Mother Of Grom

I chose the English Cottage garden style to complement the rest of my garden, which is filled with rambling roses and lavender. We moved into our semi-detached house last year, and I envisioned this for the dividing border between our home and our lovely neighbours. The English Cottage garden borders feature low-growing plants, perfect for viewing from both sides. Ideal for narrow spaces or pathways, they offer a beautiful, compact display of colour and texture all year round, bringing joy to both us and our neighbours

Planting English Cottage garden plants with garden on a roll
Planting English Cottage garden plants | Garden On A Roll | Mother Of Grom

The key features of this selection include year-round appeal, ensuring vibrant interest through all four seasons, making your garden a perennial standout. It is low maintenance, specifically curated for ease of upkeep, allowing you to enjoy beauty without the hassle. It also boasts versatile placement, thriving in every garden aspect from sun-drenched corners to cool shaded areas. Additionally, it serves as a wildlife sanctuary, providing shelter and nurturing local wildlife.

Healthy plants delivered by Garden on a Roll
Healthy plants delivered by Garden on a Roll | Mother Of Grom

Despite not being a seasoned gardener and feeling pretty clueless about landscaping, I absolutely adore plants, colours, and the hustle and bustle of insects on a summer's day. I spend so much time pottering around, but creating a landscaped border for a specific area seemed daunting. That’s what makes Garden on a Roll so special. They carefully plan combinations of plants that look good, thrive together, and fit the specified dimensions.

Step-by-step planting with Garden on a Roll | Mother Of Grom
Step-by-step planting with Garden on a Roll | Mother Of Grom

Delivery was quick, and all the plants arrived securely packed and healthy. In the box, I found a canvas tote bag, an instructional guide, lettered plants, a trowel and gloves, organic fertilizer (which gave our kids a laugh as it was labelled "organic poop straight from the coop"), and a compostable paper template matching the exact measurements of our planting area.

Garden on a Roll setup in a sunny garden
Garden on a Roll setup in a sunny garden | Mother Of Grom

The process was straightforward: we prepared the area by de-weeding (or in our case, deweeding and filling with soil), added the organic fertilizer, rolled out the paper template, and planted by numbers - matching the numbered pots to the numbers on the roll. Once in the ground, we added some topsoil onto the paper and around the planted pots, and voila! We had a beautifully landscaped border.

Now, we have the sheer pleasure of watching these beautiful plants grow and thrive. It’s July 2023, and I look forward to providing an update in a couple of months to show how our gorgeous space has flourished.


Instagram: @GardenOnARoll

Facebook: @GardenOnARoll

Follow me on Instagram @MotherOfGrom to see the video reel of me planting and where I will be sharing weekly updates of my Garden On A Roll Border

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MoG x
Mother. Blogger. Maker. Baker.

Queen of the Sandals and Breaker of Paper Chains.

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Mother of Grom - Blog - Author
MoG x
Mother. Blogger. Maker. Baker.

Queen of the Sandals and Breaker of Paper Chains.