Costumes and Crafts
How To Make Slime - Step By Step Guide

Kids love slime. Slime is life. and thankfully .... slime is really easy to make. Here is a step by step guide on how to make slime for valentines day. Valen-slime :-)

How to make slime at home for kids

OK I'm not going to start my full time slime blog just yet, but if anyone can give you different types of slime recipe .. I may just be your gal!

The Mother of Grom is a mother of boys so .. slime is LIFE! and isn't knowing 'how to make toy slime' now very much a necessity in modern day mothering?

What is slime?

Slime is a sticky, gooey substance that exists as a quasi-state between a solid and a liquid. For the pop culture, 80's enthusiasts amongst us... It also was what 'Slimer' was made from - the loveable slime ghost from the film Ghostbusters who is best remembering for 'Sliming Venkman'

It has a think glue like texture and can be made in whatever colour you want. Very often (not in this post however) it is made with a compound called sodium borate (BORAX) ... however, you choose to make it - it will also be made with water.

There are endless types of slime to make but with Valentines Day approaching, we decided to make some Valen-Slime! There are a lot of resources out there which detail how to make professional slime. Here's a step by step guide on how to make your own slime:

Mother of Grom - How to make Slime !
Mother of Grom - How to make Slime !

You will need


  • Add 1/2 a cup of clear PVA glue and 1/2 a cup water to a large mixing bowl and mix well together.
  • Now’s the time to add the food coloring colour of your choice. I started with a capful and mixed it into the glue and water whilst stirring to get the desired colour.
  • Pour in 1/4 of a cup of liquid starch. You will see the slime start to form straight away and start to come away from the sides of the bowl. Keep stirring with your spoon until you have a gooey blob of slime. All of the liquid should have disappeared. This is a good point to add your glitter and sequins.
  • Start working your slime (and think about all the uses for slime!) It will look stringy at first but if you keep moving it around with your hands and kneading it you will notice the texture change. This slime is stretchy but can be a bit sticky. However, keep in mind that if you add more liquid starch it will reduce the stickiness, but can eventually create a stiffer slime.
Mother of Grom - How to make Slime !
Mother of Grom - He slimed me !

How long does slime last?

I've made slime many times now and tweaking one or two quantities in the slime ingredients can really help in making slime last longer. As a rule of thumb slime lasts 2-4 weeks.

Does slime go bad?

I have never had slime go bad but it can certainly dry out and sometimes it can develop mold. You can pop slime in a bag and put it in the fridge to increase the life of it meaning it should last a few weeks. If you make the slime with borax - it simply soesn't spoil.

And there you have it, some slimetastic fun for your kids! (or stress relief for homeschooling adults?)

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Mother of Grom - Blog - Author
MoG x
Mother. Blogger. Maker. Baker.

Queen of the Sandals and Breaker of Paper Chains.

Mother of Grom - Blog - Author
Father of Grom
Father. SEOnsai. Builder. Mugician.

Gen Xer Prancer and Breaker of Dancer.

Mother of Grom - Blog - Author
MoG x
Mother. Blogger. Maker. Baker.

Queen of the Sandals and Breaker of Paper Chains.