Valentine's Day Painted Rock Designs: The Love Spreading Treasure Hunt for Kids and Families
All you need are some flat, smooth rocks and your trusty acrylic pens (or paint) to start designing your own Valentine's Day rocks to hide around your local community.
Rocks are awesome and are such easy things to paint
Stone painting. The idea is simple: Gather your supplies (flat, smooth rocks/pebbles and acrylic pens/paint), decorate your rock and go for a lovely long walk in your local area and GET HIDING!
It's like Geocaching 3.0 ;-)
You can write instructions on the bottom of the rock that tell the finder which Facebook group to post a photo to, or which Instagram account to tag. You can also post a photo of the rock on your local community rock hunt groups on Facebook page after it's hidden, giving clues as to its location. Popular hiding spots include parks, playgrounds and local beauty spots. Be sure not to add/attach anything to the rocks, as there is no guarantee that it will stay on and not become litter or a swallowing hazard for children or wildlife.
What's more important than family, your community and art? This is a fantastic way to blend all three and share simple joys on local walking spots. They are also a great, free gift for Valentines Day.
To put into action your painting ideas for beginners, I recommend these acrylic pens from Amazon. 18 vibrant colours, non toxic and safe and they have precise tips that makes fine detailed strokes ideal for drawing, outlining, or making fine dots.
There is loads of amazing painting inspiration on Facebook and Pinterest. Below are some some fun designs you might like to try as your rock patters...