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Christmas Bucket List For The Winter Season With A Free Printable PDF

This week I am sharing with you our Christmas Bucket List for the Winter Season. I've popped a free downloadable PDF for you to have fun ticking off with your loved ones this holiday season.

Every season I make a Bucket List to hang in our kitchen.

Seriously... Every season. (Sorry hubs!)

I find that making a list, like my daily to-do lists, gives me the perfect compass I need to navigate through what is always an overwhelmingly busy season and ensures everything we want to do ticked off.

It really does inspire you to live life to the fullest.

A bucket list is a great way of motivating you and giving you focus, getting you excited for Christmas time, as well as getting you to sit down with your nearest and dearest and make fun plans for what you really want to accomplish through the festive time. It always feels like such an achievement to get to the end of a season with so many precious memories under our belts.

When people work together for a goal they have in common, their relationships improve. It gives you more topics of conversations as well as motivating you to spend time together.

Below I have written some ideas you could add to your Chritsmas Bucket List as well as a printable PDF that you can use. I've also linked in some of my own posts for you. I hope it helps!

  • Do a Christmas Craft
  • Decorate a Christmas Tree
  • Watch Christmas Movies
  • Make a Christmas song playlist
  • Wear a Christmas Jumper
Mother of Grom - Christmas Bucket list
  • Have a carpet picnic under the Christmas tree
  • Wear Chritsmas pyjamas
  • Host a family ZOOM quiz
  • Read a Christmas book
  • Donate to a food bank
Mother of Grom - Christmas Bucket list
  • Drink mulled wine or hot cocoa (or both!)
  • Take a photo by the Christmas tree
  • Wrap Christmas Gifts
  • Bake Mince Pies
  • Donate unwanted clothes and toys to charity

  • Track Santas Christmas Eve journey
  • Decorate gingerbread
  • Leave Santa and the reindeers a snack
  • Light a Chritmas candle
  • Sing Carols

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Mother of Grom - Blog - Author
MoG x
Mother. Blogger. Maker. Baker.

Queen of the Sandals and Breaker of Paper Chains.

Mother of Grom - Blog - Author
Father of Grom
Father. SEOnsai. Builder. Mugician.

Gen Xer Prancer and Breaker of Dancer.

Mother of Grom - Blog - Author
MoG x
Mother. Blogger. Maker. Baker.

Queen of the Sandals and Breaker of Paper Chains.